Friday, February 28, 2014

Eden Park: Ducks

Around Ohio

Eden Park also contained a small pond, which had a healthy population of ducks. They seemed quite tame, and a few waddled after me, waiting for food. I caught these Mallards taking a spin out on the water.
Like a Duck to Water...

Also at the pond were these two beautiful white Pekin ducks. They seemed to be the only ones of their kind, but were quite tame nonetheless.
White Pekins

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Eden Park

Around Ohio

To finish up my tour of southwestern Ohio, I stopped at Eden Park, located on the northern side of the Ohio River in the Cincinnati area. Although not too obvious in these pictures, the park was located on top of a high ridge along the river, giving an extensive view in both directions.
The River

Across from the park lies the town of Dayton, Kentucky. Here, the buildings reflect the slightly warmer evening rays.
Dayton, KY

Monday, February 24, 2014

Purple People Bridge: Flowers 2

Around the U.S.

A number of the planters also contained red plants. The broad-leafed red vegetation below added some interest to the planter it occupied.
Red & Spiky

And finally, I ran across these pink-leafed plants. They seemed to be thriving, despite their unusual color.
Pink Plants

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Purple People Bridge: Flowers

Around the U.S.

As I mentioned earlier, one side of the Purple People Bridge was lined with planters containing a variety of colorful flowers, many of them purple.

These colorful bluish-purple flowers made a nice contrast in front of the geometrical patterns of the bridge behind them.
Purple Flowers

This cluster of pink blooms seemed a little lost in the sea of green vegetation and unusual purple flowers surrounding it. I could hardly tell which plant each flower belonged to.
Pink & Purple

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Purple People Bridge 2

Around the U.S.

A number of other bridges also cross the Ohio River in the Cincinnati area. This yellow bridge, seen from the Purple People Bridge, is one of them. A variety of barges, such as the one in this picture, motor up and down the Ohio River.
Yellow Bridge

This skyscraper, owned by the Great American Insurance Group, forms part of the Cincinnati skyline.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Purple People Bridge

Around the U.S.

Although many bridges span the Ohio River between Ohio and Kentucky, the Purple People Bridge is one of the more unusualfor its purple color, if nothing else.

The bridge first opened in 1872 as a railroad bridge. Since then, it has supported trains, streetcars, automobiles, and pedestrians. After many years of deterioration, the Purple People Bridge was restored in 2003 as a solely pedestrian bridge, which it remains to this day. The intricate framework of metal girders make the long walk across quite interesting.
Purple People Bridge 

This "lane" of the bridge, running parallel to the one previously pictured, probably used to accommodate trains or automobiles. Today the outer side is lined with flower boxes maintained by local botanical societies. Many of the planters specialize in the color purple.
Flower Boxes

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cathedral Basilica 2

Around Ohio

The Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption also boasts the largest handmade stained glass window in a church in the world. While a German church used to hold this claim, its stained glass windows was sadly destroyed by bombing during World War II.

The lower half of this window depicts the Council of Ephesus, which met in A.D. 431. Below it are images of various saints.
Stained Glass Window
Another feature of the cathedral is a massive pipe organ in one balcony. The organist was rehearsing some pieces for a mass while I was there.
Pipe Organ

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cathedral Basilica

Around the U.S.

Another ancient landmark of Covington, Kentucky is the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption. It is an old Catholic church with magnificent arches and colorful stained glass windows.

Many of the arches are found in the sanctuary. The photo below shows the front, which includes an alcove lined with stained glass windows.

The back of the sanctuary is equally impressive. The center stained glass window is unusual because of its size and round shape.
Round Window

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Carroll Chimes Bell Tower

Around the U.S.

A few hours south of Cowan Lake lies the city of Covington, Kentucky. That is where I found the Carroll Chimes Bell Tower. Dedicated in honor of Kentucky's 64th governor, the tower faithfully plays a set of chimes on the quarter hour.
Carroll Chimes Bell Tower
The ancient tower was recently restored, being rededicated on August 18, 1997. The fancy brickwork and archway underneath make it a striking landmark.
The Tower
On the east side of the tower is a balcony, on which small automated figures sporadically emerge from the building and parade across the platform. The children below are following the Pied Piper, barely visible at the left.
Pied Piper

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Cowan Lake: Lily Pads

Around Ohio

In addition to sailboats, Cowan Lake provides sailing room for a variety of other vessels. The pontoons below were moored on the end of the lake opposite the boat dock I launched from.
Moored Boats

The end of the lake also supported a thriving colony of giant lily pads, most of them larger than a dinner plate. It sure would be something to see them all in bloom, if they do grow flowers.
Lily Pads