Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cedar Falls 2

Around Ohio

After capturing a number of pictures of the falls, I had to start the inevitable hike back to the car. The top of the falls is accessible by nearly 100 stone steps which swing out around the pool at the base of the falls, rising along the edge of the cliff to the top. They are known as Democracy Steps, and were specially designed by artist, architect, and mathematician Akio Huzume to provide a comfortable pace and rhythm to hikers by reflecting mathematical principles of the Fibonacci sequence and one-dimensional Penrose lattice. Personally, I thought they just seemed like . . . another set of steps.
At one point I passed by this enormous rock wall. It seemed to reach well above the treetops.
Rock Wall

Farther along, the trail wound between these two huge rock towers.
A Treacherous Trail

Back at the car this sign warned of the dangerous area I had just hiked through.
Warning Sign


Susanna said...

What an interesting story - never would have guessed.
You've got some awesome pictures of those rocks!

Unknown said...

Beautiful rock formations! Nice shots!