Monday, November 4, 2013

Niagara Whirlpool

Around the U.S.

After going over the Niagara Falls, the Niagara River flows north through a deep gorge toward Lake Ontario. Along the way it flows through the Niagara Whirlpool, a circular area of water at the corner of one of the river's bends.

In the photo below you can see the water coming in from the upper left. It flows around the whirlpool counterclockwise and actually crosses under the water coming in before exiting on the lower left. A small cable car for tourists runs on the cables that cross the whirlpool.
Niagara Whirlpool
This pictures shows more clearly where the Niagara River enters and exits the whirlpool. One end of Rainbow Bridge is barely visible upstream. The steep cliffs that set off the river gorge are similar in height to the falls themselves.
This view is actually just upstream from the whirlpool. A considerable amount of vegetation manages to cling to the rocky sides of the river gorge.
River Gorge


Susanna said...

That would be something to cross the Whirlpool in that cable car!

Unknown said...

What beautiful rocks! It must have taken a lot of force to get those carved out.

Anoonymous said...

Kind of funny to think of the river flowing north.