Friday, July 15, 2011


Pictures From Spring Valley


This beautiful bird is named Buckeye because of its rich brown color. It looks quite majestic in this picture, but I think it's trying to hide the fact that it's comb is bent over, giving it a silly, floppy look. In fact, it's a mischievous bird, always first to the food scraps and first to fly over the fence. However, it has a good heart, since it allows Chestnut, the hen on the bottom of the pecking order, to tag along behind it.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what mischief Buckeye is headed for in thie picture!

Pilgrim said...

She looks a little solemn.

Anonymous said...

What lovely feathers. You caught the air of a chicken perfectly.

Anonymous said...

That's amazing how you cuaght Buckeye with it's foot up in the air!

Anonymous said...

Your comments about all your pictures are so well written and interesting. Do you have to go through a zillion drafts first?