This beautiful scene finishes off our tour of Scioto-Audubon Metro Park. The Scioto River begins somewhere north of Indian Lake, in Hardin County, from a couple of smaller streams. It flows north, then turns east in a very squiggly fashion, until it turns south in Marion County not far from Marion. From that point it is a fairly straight run south through Delaware County into Franklin County. It is joined by the Olentangy River in downtown Columbus, making it the scenic river you see here. Flowing south to Circleville in Pickaway County, it is joined by the Big Darby Creek. As it enters the Appalachian foothills around Chillicothe, the twists and turns of the Scioto River make it a crazy blue line on the map, until finally, at Portsmouth, it joins the mighty Ohio.
Peaceful scene. What a contrast to the other views
I wonder what it was like for the native American Indians to travel this water route.
You may find out, gas prices being what they are.
Hard to believe this is in the middle of Columbus! Nice series of pictures.
Lovely clouds! They have a nice contrast with dark in the front and in the back and light in the middle. I especially like the layered effect.
I like the finely detailed branch in front and fuzzy trees in background.
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