Monday, February 23, 2015

Keystone State Park: Mountain

Around the U.S.

Keystone State Park covers 1,200 acres of southwestern Pennsylvania, including 8 miles of hiking trails and a 78-acre lake. I was surprised by how steep some of the trails are. By the time I reached the top of the first mountain, I was ready to stop and watch the sun setting through the trees.
Keystone Sunset

Near the hiking trail ran this set of power lines. It was amazing how the trees had been cleared to form a pathway that was followed by the power lines up one side of a mountain and down the other.


Anoonymous said...

Pretty! What time of year is this?

Unknown said...

How beautiful!

J Beachy said...

It's late winter.

Susanna said...

What pretty pink and purple colors behind the power line pole.