Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Flight

Favorite Pastimes

First Flight

You probably didn't know I was there when man first took flight. Did I fool you? I made this model of the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk when I was thirteen years old. Then I had fun setting up a rather realistic shot. I have actually flown a Wright simulator at some of the museums around Dayton, home of the Wright Brothers. Each hand operates a lever to control speed and direction. A big screen in front shows you how soon you're going to crash. What a thrill!


Anonymous said...

Your shot's so real, it looks like you took a picture of the actual plane taking off!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job painting the figures. The Wrights always seemed to be dressed impeccably.

Anonymous said...

The airplane looks like it's about to disappear over the sandy horizen! Nice shadows and focus on the plane.

Anonymous said...

Two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrights made an airplane!

gumi said...

Dear Mr. Beachy. I would like to use Your photo "First Flight" for an educational magazine. Can You please contact me on so we can arrange details.
Best regards, Dejan