Saturday, August 20, 2011

Corn Stalks

Mud Valley Memories

Corn Stalks

These rows of corn grew on the other side of the big white barn next to our house in Mud Valley. Since I always took my camera on our walks, I was ready when the sun cast its light on these dying stocks. I liked how the corn towered over my head. I thought it would be fun to run down the rows between the stalks. But I would never tell any secrets in a corn field -- it has too many ears.


Anonymous said...

That's a funny joke. You also never know what might be stalking you. Nice picture.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's good if the corn has a lot of ears because that means you will have a good harvest!

Anonymous said...

You got the cornstalks at a perfect stage of stalkiness (or whatever it's called)!

Anonymous said...

I always marvel at how straight the rows are in cornfields. Nice picture!