Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Penguin Swimming

Around Ohio

Penguin Swimming

This is an unusual view of a penguin, but I thought it was a pretty neat shot. I love to watch penguins swim and play in the water. Penguins eat krill, which is a shrimp-like crustacean. They may also eat squid and fish, depending on the species. Penguins generally live on islands and remote continental regions that are free of land predators. This works out pretty well, since they can't fly. However, they do spend a lot of time in the water. Would you like to have a pet penguin?


Anonymous said...

It might be nice to have a pet penguin. Did they have them for sale at the zoo? Haha! They could probably make a good amount of money off of that!

Anonymous said...

That water looks real! I wouldn't want a pet penguin. I would feel too sorry that it couldn't be swimming in the ocean where it belongs.

Anonymous said...

Pretty ripples in the water! I guess the penguin had to keep its head sticking out so it could smile!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful shades of blue in the water! It goes nicely with the black penguin.

Anonymous said...

That would be pretty cool to have a pet penguin.